The versatile girl

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Jesus Calling

When I began designing The Versatile Girl's new home I thought of all the different sections that I wanted to add. I crave deep and grace-filled conversations. I know I miss school when I find myself hunting for books to read that will challenge my brain and will also connect to my faith. As I designed this new space I thought that it might be fun and helpful for me to review and discuss the books that have truly touched my soul and shaken up my faith. It is my dream to one day have my own library, full of comfortable chairs, book shelves, books stacked up on side tables and laid open upon chairs. The amount of books I have collected over the years suggests that this dream will one day be a reality!When thinking about what book to begin my book review section I wasn't entirely sure which book to begin with. I decided that one of the best books to start with is my daily devotional. I love a daily devotional, but I am incredibly picky about which ones I use. Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence has been my trusty sidekick for the last three-ish years. It has traveled with me all over the US and even internationally to France, Scotland and England. Although I have gone through this little devotional three times it still remains relevant and always seems to say something new to me.Sarah Young's Jesus Calling, is rooted in scripture and has guided me to incredible passages that I have clung to and read over and over. Young's words have reminded me to open my hands when I am squeezing them shut and the daily devotions seem to somehow connect perfectly to my life no matter what is going on (I am not the only person who finds this to be true, a dear friend also uses Jesus Calling and has mentioned how perfect the devotions always seem to be).Sarah Young's faith story is truly a remarkable one, she discusses how she came to know Jesus in the introduction to the devotional which you MUST read!! The introduction is something many people usually skip over, something I was guilty of until a college professor taught me how useful the information found in the intro is. Jesus Calling's introduction is no different, you have to read it to understand how Young came to write these incredible words. A short summary is that she began meditating on God, she listened to the things God laid upon her heart and recorded what was spoken to her. She wrote these amazing messages and combined them into this wonderful 365 day devotional.The messages are short, simple and to the point. It is a fantastic devotional, one that I continually come back to. Jesus Calling is available in book form, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Adroid forms. There is also a teen and children's version. Just the other day I was in Barnes and Noble and I discovered Young had published another 365 day devotional entitled, Jesus Always. After spending 1,095 days with Jesus Calling I have high hopes for Jesus Always.May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.Peace, Joy, Blessings and SO MUCH LOVE,Margaret 

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