The versatile girl

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Autumn or fall, whatever word you want to use, is my favorite season. My dream is to one day live somewhere that actually has leaves that change at the appropriate time, not in December like it tends to do here in Charleston. The lighting begins to change in the Autumn though, even here in Charleston the light looks different in September than it did in August, softer and more slanty. I get antsy as I wait for fall to arrive here, so I start pretending. I crank down our air conditioner and put a sweater on, drink even more tea than normal, and I begin to make heavier more substantive food like creamy tomato bisque, shepherd's pie, copious soup recipes, and I think I will try making bread from scratch sometime this week (to dip into the soups, of course).I have been pretty transparent about where I have been finding myself emotionally these past few weeks--some days I cry a bit easier than other days, on those days my heart feels a little more tender, some days my heart is a bit more raw, other days I am full of robust energy and laughter bubbles to the surface with ease. It is beautiful, messy, certainly not linear journey and I can sense God's grace laced through each day, especially on the tender hearted days. Last week was one filled to the brim with a plethora of varying emotions and feelings and it feels good. Even when it hurts it is a relief to be reminded that I am human. There it is, life, it seems, always takes any chance it is offered to remind us that we are human (life or God? Perhaps it is God in cahoots with life and if that is the case then I think it a grace filled reminder that we are never alone and God is with us through it all. This, to me at least, is a comfort--a bit of that grace that lines each day).I have felt my humanness deeply these past few weeks and am continuously reminded of my human need for rest. I have been craving a sort of hibernation. A time of deep rest, coziness, copious cups of tea, loads of candles, books, journaling, stillness and quiet. This word, this act, hibernation keeps cropping up and I am beginning to listen to it. The start of this week has been a grey and wet one, my personal favorites. It is easier to convince myself to give in to that desire to hibernate when the rain pours down and I have no where I necessarily need to be. The darker day outside the windows makes it even cozier inside my house. Mother Nature has given me the gift of the proper weather setting for me to answer that call to hibernate.If you need me I will most likely be snuggled on my couch under the homemade crocheted blanket Will and I made together, sipping tea, and reading another book. I pray rest and hibernation might be an option for you too.Peace,Margaret

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