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Open Heart

In my last post I reminded my readers to look for the good in the world but I struggle to do this myself. Although my posts come from my heart, there are times that I catch myself being so hypocritical. I buy into the lies that the darkness tells me--too often than I would care to admit. It is easier to buy into that hopelessness rather than to strive to really see that good, to choose love and to hope. But easier, in this case, is not better.Falling into that dark pit of hopelessness is easier but it is not better. This past Saturday, I had the amazing opportunity to do a reading at a dear friend's wedding. As I read the two beautiful scriptures the couple had chosen and glanced at them as I read the words I saw love and I felt so much hope. The warmth, light, love and hope present in that place was remarkable. Truly the Lord was present (Genesis 28:16). Watching two people stand in front of their friends and family and promise to love, honor and cherish one another is a rare treasure that adds a little bit more love into this world and reminds all who stand as witnesses to that love that love wins.Despite that beautiful sense of hope and all the love I felt Saturday, I fell back into that trap. I slipped back into that hopeless abyss--but then today, I did what I encouraged all of you to do on Friday--I looked for the good. Sometimes, like today, I am just blown away by the love that surrounds me.Yesterday, I received a text message from a dear friend, out of the blue, that reminded me that I am loved, in a time that I really needed to be reminded of that. A series of similar conversations occurred and today on my flight back to Charleston from Philly I was just bombarded with the realization that I am so blessed. Instead of being grateful I have let myself get distracted by the temptation of feeling hopeless. How sad is that? But I have a hunch that I am not the only person that falls into this trap so easily.I am truly learning what it means to actively seek out the good, to look with an open heart and open hands. I have so much to be thankful for; so much that I overlook too often. I am so loved and I have the capacity to give so much love--what an incredible gift.I am trying and failing then trying again to choose hope, thankfulness and love. I hope that if you find yourself falling back into that pit of darkness that you receive a text, a smile, a kind word, just a little reminder of how loved you are.For those beautiful humans who touched my heart and reminded me that I am loved--thank you. I am so incredibly thankful to each one of you for accepting me as I am and offering me love and support--no matter how far away we may be from each other.I love how Fred Rogers defines love and I feel like this is the love I have been receiving and hopefully giving:"Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now."My dear brothers and sisters, know that you are dearly loved. I hope that your holidays are filled with so much joy, peace, love and hope.May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.Peace, Joy, Blessings and SO MUCH LOVE,MargaretPsalm 9:1"I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High."

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