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One Day in December

I just finished such a lovely winter read, One Day in December by Josie Silver. This sweet story was just what I needed to top off a wonderful Christmas Day with my family, yes, I read it in a day. The book follows the lives of Laurie and Jack. One snowy December night Laurie spots Jack while she is on a bus and immediately feels something that she has never felt before, love at first sight. However, the two never manage to meet that fateful night and a year later her best friend brings home her new boyfriend who just so happens to be Jack. It is a lovely tale about love, loss, life and all the little things in between. I love a book with characters that become like friends. I cried alongside these characters as their hearts broke and celebrated alongside of them as they pursued their dreams and chased after love. If you are in the mood for something short, sweet, yet, fun this is the book for you!

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