The versatile girl

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Rhythms of Life

I felt it; the waiting period. 

I could sense it; the change.

Still I wait, breath held, on the brink of everything.

I can sense it about to unfold.

Breath held in anticipation.

But the waves will come in their own time.

 They’ll come and crash to shore, discombobulating all of life as I know it.

Then the calm will settle.

And what was once so foreign, unknown, and mysterious will become real and comfortable.

It will be worn in, like a favorite old sweater.

I will live into the comfort till the waves of change begin to swell again.

They will make their way to the shores of my life and come crashing in.

The rhythms of life, ebbing and flowing, shaping me and my life till I am worn in.

Till I am as soft, loving, and comforting as a favorite old sweater.

All my rough and jagged edges smoothed by the ebb and flow of life.

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