The versatile girl

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Feet Up


I have been placing an emphasis on the self-care practices that are physical activities; specifically my running. There has been immense healing from putting my feet to the ground and allowing the earth to hold the anxieties, grief, and stress that my body cannot. However, my body is still not indestructible and today, as I put my feet to the ground I felt it in my shins. I came home from my run in pain that is not quite normal--pain that tells me I need to alter something. I am learning to listen to my body. That means listening and paying attention to how stress of the world and daily life is impacting my body and to how the physical stress of running is impacting my body.

Fortunately and unfortunately, rest is the answer. I say unfortunately because it is hard to make myself or allow myself to rest. I love to sleep and I love a good afternoon nap; however, not feeling guilty about giving my body what it needs is difficult. In the past few years, I have chosen to sleep--really, that simple. If I am tired and sleep is what I need, I sleep and it has been healing and beneficial for my overall health.

Yet, the thought of not being able to go for a run in this very stressful season of life and having to rest is scary. And at the same time, it is what my body is telling me it needs. For the next few days, I am going to be putting my feet to the ground in a much gentler way--on the yoga mat. Normally, I would head to the gym for a yoga class or a spin class, giving my legs, especially my shins, a break from the impact of running; however, COVID-19 has made that impossible.

Instead of my afternoon run, tomorrow, I am going to move my coffee table out of the way, roll out my mat and find a yoga video online. I am going to allow the stretching to gently tend to my sore muscles and my breathe to ground me, bring peace, and remind me I am alive.

Listening to our bodies is important. Self-care looks like a solid run for me, and self care looks like icing my sore legs and choosing to skip my run in favor of a nap on the couch or an at home yoga session. The biggest lesson I am learning from this self care journey is to listen to my body, my mind, my heart, and my soul and to give them what they need.

Be gentle my friends. Times are tough right now. Listen to your bodies, your hearts, and your minds and give them what they need.

Peace and Blessings,


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