The versatile girl

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I can hardly believe that another year is swiftly coming to a close and a new one is just upon the horizon. Everyone seems to get a bit sentimental, myself included, at the close of the year. We tend to do a lot of self-reflection and pondering of what the new year is going to bring.

2018 was a year of peace. A year ago, I was so sick. I was in the depths of depression, something I have shared many times here on this blog. I was searching for peace anywhere I could find it, my tattered heart unsure if it would ever feel those strong and holy roots of peace again. Slowly but surely, through a lot of love and a lot of work I began to feel peace spread itself throughout my life. I had to learn about peace and what it would look like in my life. I discovered that it looked a whole lot like healthiness, caring for myself, resting more, loving harder, laughing freely. Peace spread itself throughout my life, allowing it to settle like a blanket upon each surface and crevice of my being.

There are times when I worry that peace is going to escape me and there are still times when the anxiety takes control but I am learning that true peace isn't fleeting. Peace will stick around once its rooted itself in your life you just need to remember to nurture it so that it can continue to grow.

As 2019 swiftly approaches I am starting to think about what theme I want this New Year to take. I have been working on loving myself, others, and God more freely, without abandon. So, I am thinking that 2019 needs to be a year of love--self love, love for others, and deep love for God. I want to pour love into all areas of my life and let it settle like that blanket of peace has settled upon my life. I love wild and free to spread throughout out all of my relationships, making me bold enough to live without a guarded heart. I want all the things I create to be rooted in love, stemming from my heart and soul and I want to love myself, finally resting in the good news that I was created by a loving God and declared good.

I am not sure where you are at in crafting New Year's Resolutions but I hope that you don't put too much pressure on yourself. Don't bully yourself into "perfecting" anything in your life--instead think of goals or a theme you want to be a guiding force for this year. I've had enough self-bullying to last me for a lifetime, I think it is time to let gentleness be the leading force for myself.

Friends, I hope that you have a wonderful, safe and very Happy New Year! I will see you in 2019!

Grace, Peace, Joy, Blessings, Love,


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