The versatile girl

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Coming Home

It has been some time since I have published anything on the Versatile Girl and I have missed this platform. I have taken a sabbatical from The Versatile Girl in an effort to work on a larger project, however, I am realizing that I am struggling. I want to share things here and now and publish them immediately. I have missed the voice I have found and developed in this space. So, I am going to do both.I cannot do my larger project without The Versatile Girl, this is the space where I learned I had a voice and that my voice did indeed matter. So I am back and I intend on staying here for a long while. As for this larger project I am working on, it is something that has been near and dear for a few years now, something I hope will be genuine, authentic, and true to my voice. I ask for prayers and positive vibes as I work on this larger project--it is testing me and trying me in many ways. I mainly just want my voice to ring genuine and it to be a work of my heart--not just my mind.I figured the best place to be reminded of my voice was to go back to my roots, back to the blog that began it all. My dear friends, life is good. Life is sweet and sour, salty and tangy, lovely and messy. My heart and soul are so well and if you have been following for a while you will know how big of a deal it is for me to write those words and mean it. It feels good to be back here, it feels a lot like coming home. So here is to hoping that as I come home to The Versatile Girl she might gain the courage and confidence she needs to branch out into larger projects.Grace and Peace, my friends. Grace and Peace.With all my heart,Margaret

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