The versatile girl

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"Even trees can be uprooted and replanted" my dear friend told me over plates of quesadillas, tacos, chips and salsa. The food a tried and true favorite, the company fabulous and familiar.In the last three years, since graduating from college, I have lived all over the world, moved numerous times, and have traveled back and forth between my different homes. Transition has been the constant state of my life for three years and is quite difficult and uncomfortable for a person who thrives on scheduling, routine, and predictability. I often wonder if this is why God has thrown me into a life of unpredictability and ruined routine--to get me out of my oh so comfortable comfort zone so that I might stretch and grow.I love what my friend said and it has been replaying in my head ever since that gorgeous dinner. For the first time in a really long time, I am becoming grounded. I can feel it deep within my soul. I am learning day by day how to open my heart a little bit more, to allow God to fill me up, to allow the mischievous Spirit to constantly surprise me, to open up hands that have been clenched for far too long, and to grow roots within myself. I am becoming rooted from within, rather than rooted in worldly stability. I am going to stay in one place for very long, that is not where my stability is coming from, my stability is coming from being grounded in my faith, from being grounded in my relationship with God, and being grounded in the physical earth surrounding me, everyplace I go.I give thanks to God to be called back to Clinton, the place where I took my first steps into growing up. The slowness of life that I have found here in this small town is exactly what my soul has needed and has been searching for. I can feel the healing seeping into my bones with each passing day and night I am there--thanks be to God. There is no doubt that I am going to be running around like a mad woman this summer; but this town, this church, and these people are going to heal me and continue to call me to grow roots deep within the soil of my soul. I can feel it in the air around me--the earth, all its creatures and the One who created them are calling out to me, challenging me to remove my shoes for it is holy ground, let my bare feet touch the earth and allow the physicality to help ground me in faith, to guide me home to myself, and to push me to open up my heart."Even trees can be uprooted and replanted." Thanks be to God for this truth.Peace, Joy, Blessings, and Love,Margaret

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