The versatile girl

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Begin Again

I haven't written in six months. I have prayed about whether I should start a new blog or continue with The Versatile Girl. This is a question I am still asking and prayerfully considering. I am no longer a "girl," I am a young woman trying to figure out her purpose and stumbling through this thing called life. With that being said, I have wondered if this platform makes me seem a bit immature or childish. However, I have chosen to stay with The Versatile Girl a little longer and see what happens. I have worked incredibly hard on the design of this site and it is something I am proud of. Although I am not a girl anymore, The Versatile Girl has documented a journey from a period of girlish faith to a bit more of a mature faith. I have shared my journey of faith with all the joys, hurts, celebrations, and trials that come along with life on this site and am going to keep with it a bit longer.This site has helped me learn about myself and about the God I worship. The act of writing has opened up my heart, challenged me to confront my fears, force me to become vulnerable, and grant God access to my deepest wounds. I haven't written in six months, so you can imagine the state of my heart--closed off, bruised, walled, and dark. These last six months have been hard and painful as I work through anger, bitterness, and fear, and struggling to love, laugh, and simply be in the midst of it all.This year, I am ready to feel fully alive again. This is my attempt to start living one day at a time, one cup of tea at a time, one moment at a time. I have constantly been told to simply be and this post is my attempt at doing that again. I once had the most beautiful image of God and I drinking tea at a kitchen table--so that is how I am going to live this next year, having tea daily with God. I want my days to begin with a full heart, a full tummy of tea, and a day filled with God's peace. This is my attempt to "begin again."Happy New Year!Peace, Joy, and All My Love,Margaret

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