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Lean In

Last night I went to a Bible study which is held every Wednesday night in a church that just a year and a half ago was subject to a heinous hate crime. One of my very best friend's dad goes regularly to this Bible study and I am in deep need of some serious time with Jesus, so I asked if I could join him. This church is a true reflection of God's love, grace and acceptance. These people have all the reasons in the world to be weary, suspicious and unwelcoming towards outsiders and yet, they still lean in. This community of faith still leans in, still welcomes the stranger and clings to the hope that God is loving and that God shows up.Last night, in the midst of a time of serious struggle, I knew God was surely present in that place (Genesis 28:16). The hurt, messiness and difficulty of faith was there but I saw these people lean in. I listened to words spoken, fears shared, real questions asked and I heard reassurances of God's love. I will never be able to answer why bad things happen to innocent people. I will never be able to comprehend how people can hate others so much. So I cling with all my might to the things that I have been taught: God is good, God is love and God is present.This community of faith is a beautiful sight to behold and it is an incredible gift to be allowed the opportunity to be a part of it. These people do not know me and I do not know them but they wrapped me in warm embraces, looked me in the eyes and said "God bless you." They prayed for me, encouraged me and accepted me as I came to them. I leaned in and they leaned in.I keep using this phrase lean in because it is one of the more recent phrases that has been laid upon my heart. When people hurt us, loving becomes hard to do, the world seems too scary to be a part of, evil and hatred constantly seem to win it is the natural human tendency to push back--to go behind walls to protect our hearts. However, the other night when I was faced with the choice to push back and go behind my seemingly safe walls I heard the words, lean in. [ Lean in Margaret and keep your heart open.] An amazing thing happened; I realized for once in my life despite the pain my heart was feeling I was more interested in leaning in than pushing back, I was more interested in watching and waiting to see how God's love would redeem and I was more interested in keeping my heart open fully to this loving God's healing hands.It was a rare treasure to be in a community of faith where those people are fighting the urge to push back and instead choosing to lean in. They don't pretend it isn't heartbreaking, they do not sugar coat just how difficult and messy it really is, instead they lean in and ask the hard questions, they do not avoid the messiness and they wonder where God is (all the while still clinging to the hope that God is near).Nadia Bolz-Weber states that: "...the life-changing reality [is] that God is not far off, but here among the brokenness of our lives" (p.9).I and so many cling to this truth. When all else seems to fail I have to cling to the hope that God is good, God is love and God is present.I pray my brothers and sisters that wherever you are, whatever you are facing that you are blessed with the courage to lean in. I pray that you choose to keep your heart open to God and to others. I pray that you choose to believe that God is present right in the messiness and brokenness of your life.May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.Peace, Joy, Blessings and SO MUCH LOVE,Margaret 

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