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Mother's Day

Anyone who knows me, knows how important the Fleming Women are to me and to my family. I have affectionally dubbed us the "Fleming Women/Ladies." These women have shaped me into the woman I am today. They have been there every time something has gone wrong, no matter where I am in the world. They are my source of strength when I can no longer find the strength on my own. They are my biggest supporters--ready and willing to fight for me or to cheer me on as I tackle things on my own. Because of each of these beautiful, intelligent, strong and loving women I am capable of doing the crazy things that I dream up. This post is my thank you letter to them.My mother was a Fleming and married a Fleming (no relation of course!) so I have been fortunate to be a double Fleming and that is why the Fleming Women  works to include both sides of my family. I remember when I was in college and was having an absolutely terrible time with the sorority I joined I would think about the Fleming Women and boast that I was a member of one of the most exclusive sororities you could be a part of, one you had to be born into. To this day I am just as proud. These women have such a huge part of my heart and couldn't imagine being anyone else's daughter, granddaughter or niece. So let me take the time to thank each one of them for all the lessons they have taught me, the love they have freely given me, the laughter they have shared with me, the tears they have wiped from my face and the endless amounts of love and joy.To my Mother, you are one of the strongest women I have ever met. I love you more than you could ever imagine. You, without a doubt, are my best friend. Since being in Scotland I have realized even more how much I need you and miss you. Thank you for eating Chick-Fil-A breakfast with me, even though we don't like to get up early. Thank you for always answering your phone (even if it is 5AM), even though you know 9 times out of 10 I will be crying. Thank you for loving me and comforting me. Thank you for listening to me sob on the phone. For giving me tough love when I need it. Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter how crazy they may be. Thank you for loving me despite my unlovable moments. I pray to God that I am as patient, kind and giving as you are. I have been blessed abundantly with you as my mother and no matter where I go in this world I will always need you and look up to you. You have held my hand through some of the hardest times and I will forever cherish our relationship. I pray to God that I have a relationship with my daughter like the relationship I have with you. Thank you for all the love you have given, the laughter we have shared, for wiping away the tears, for the joy we have experienced and for the tough love that I so often need. I know everyone says it, but I know for a fact that you are the best mom in the world.To my Grandmomma, you are the matriarch of one side of the Fleming Clan, the glue that sticks us together. Thank you for putting up with me, for reading countless essays and listening to me cry too many times to count. The countless Saturdays that I have spent with you and Mom are some of my most treasured memories. I am incredibly thankful for all the love and support you have given me throughout my life. I never worry too much because I know that I always have you just a FaceTime away. I have been blessed by having a non-traditional relationship with you and mom--the two of you are my best friends. I truly look forward to the moments we three get together to laugh, pick at one another and shop! I know that I am capable of doing so much because you have encouraged me and loved me. Thank you for all you do for me, thank you for listening to me, encouraging me and helping me--I would never be able to do what I am doing without you. Thank you for giving me your gift of baking and cooking, I have turned into you--feeding those that I love. I love you very much.To my Bonnie Anne, you are the truest Southern Belle I have ever met. Thank you for teaching me the importance of a handwritten note and sending me all the handwritten notes. Your letters this semester, while I have been in Scotland, have touched my heart over and over again, and have proven the power of a handwritten note. Thank you for loving me despite the mess that I am. Thank you for supporting me, encouraging me and teaching me the definition of strength. I am in awe of the strength that you possess and I look up to you in so many ways, I will forever try to emulate the dignity and grace that you possess. I cherish the moments we spend together, talking, laughing and eating fried chicken.To my Aunt Caroline, thank you for understanding me. Truly having you home in Charleston has been a gift. It has been such a blessing to have someone who understands my weird sensitive nature. I am so thankful for our chats over Barnes and Noble cheesecake and PF Changs (especially since you're the only one who will go there with me). Also, thank you so much for often being my fashion twin, we have too many of the same outfits. I am so thankful to have you in my life and to have someone who simply understands my weird nature.To my Aunt Linda, thank you for always including me. Thank you for always inviting me to tag along with you, Caroline and Robert. I treasure all of our trips and the memories that we have made together. Thank you for taking me to my first ever concert, the Jonas Brothers, thank you for (not knowingly) teaching me how to shave my legs and thank you for giving me great life advice. I always think fondly of spending countless Saturdays with you in Monks Corner. I love you dearly and am so grateful for all I have learned from you.To each of these special women, thank you so much. All of your hard work and unconditional love has not gone unnoticed. We are meant to treasure our mothers and the special women in our life everyday, but on this day y'all deserve a bit more recognition--so thank you. I would have been a very different woman if I had not had you all in my life. Your love and support has given me the courage to take chances I never imagined I would take. Thank you for showing me what it means to be a caring, giving and loving mother. I look up to each of you and am so grateful to call you family.Today is a day that is for the very special ladies in our life. I have been blessed abundantly with the Fleming Ladies, they have provided me with a sisterhood that I wouldn't change for anything. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! Happy Mother's Day to the beautiful, strong and loving mothers, aunts and grandmothers that I am so fortunate to have in my life.May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Peace, Love, Joy and Blessings--MargaretHappy Mother's Day!

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