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And So the Wind Blows

Today I had a conversation with my mom, I tend to have difficulty accepting the good advice my mom gives me. Bless her, she has more patience than I ever will, despite the fact that I drag my feet and want to put my hands over my ears and yell "la la la I can't hear you" at the top of my lungs (it is a good thing that she is a kindergarten teacher). But she does offer good advice, once I have stopped yelling and started to let her words sink in.  She told me that I need to have some positive thoughts, to try and enjoy the physical place that I am in. Today I took a walk to a beautiful spot here in St. Andrews by the sea, East Sands, the weather was outstanding--the sun was out and the wind was blowing.I called my mom after this walk and was ranting, that is when she gave me the advice of trying to be positive and embracing where I am. I then went inside the library and wrote something about East Sands and it made me reflect on the beauty and peace that I find there. Today was an incredible day, chilly but absolutely stunning, the beach was full of people walking their dogs, picnicking and enjoying the sun. I reflected on that amazing view in the library, continued some unfinished work then packed up and walked home (it is still sunny out because our time finally changed!! Hallelujah!). As I walked home I didn't put my earbuds in and listen to music, instead I started to listen to the wind. How it rustles the trees and bushes as it blows through them, how it gasps as it whips through the air and how it whistles as it blows past my ears and through my hair.I am currently practicing making myself write, I have no clue if you care about how the wind sounds--but I do. It almost seems as if the wind has a personality and persona of its own and from my faith I know that it does.John 3:8"The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."As I walked home rather than be annoyed with the wind I let it accompany me and tell me things I wouldn't ever hear if I hadn't allowed myself to listen. It seems a bit strange to listen to the wind but somehow cathartic. It is like in Pocahontas, the Disney movie, where she sings "Can you paint with all the colors of the wind"? As I walked home listening, hearing and feeling the wind I thought of this question; maybe the wind will always be colored the blue of the sea, the blue of the sky and the green of the grass and maybe it will always take me back here to Scotland--no matter where it follows me.At home we get really satisfying thunderstorms, with thunderclaps that will shake the windows and lighting flashes that light up the room but thunderstorms don't really happen here, instead there are wind storms. Sometimes late in the evening here the wind will be so loud that you can feel the building shake and hear the roar outside, and in some ways it is comforting, different but still satisfying. Maybe that is what Scotland is meant for me, especially in the spiritual sense, something very different and yet at the same time still satisfying.Who knew the wind could be so wise?May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Peace, Joy, Love and Blessings--Margaret     

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