The versatile girl

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This summer has been amazing, one of the best summers I have ever had. In the last four months I have grown so much and can proudly say I have transformed into a much better version of myself than I was when I graduated. This summer has been one of growth and development. I have been seeking out God more fully and seeking out my true heart. I have noticed that I am becoming more open to love, more open to putting myself out there, more likely to be grateful than hateful and less likely to allow bitterness and anger into my heart. God has washed my heart and I find myself seeking God out continuously asking for my heart to be continuously washed. I cannot imagine anything better than having God continuously working on my heart.When I look at myself in pictures or in the mirror I see joy. I see a joyfulness that has never been there before, a joyfulness that only comes from God. I see the face and heart of the woman I am proud and so incredibly thankful to have become. I say this not to be vain, because this joy does not come from me or this world. This joy is the fruit of the Spirit that lives and works in my heart, the Spirit that I want everyone to allow into their hearts.Galatians 5:22-23"By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. There is no law against such things."Romans 8:6"To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace."If I am going to be honest, I want to spread the Good News of the God that I worship. God is not a selective God, all are welcome in God's arms and heart--God already loves you.  I want to share with you my experiences because that is the best way for me to express my faith and the faithfulness of the God I worship. My life, my heart and my perspective has completely transformed since I have committed my life completely to God. This amazing grace and amazing love I have experienced is for everyone, all I want is for people to go to God and let God transform their life.Clarification: I have always been a Christian, but in the past year I have felt God's tug at my heart and I have worked on drawing closer and closer to my Lord and Savior. I have been striving to commit my life fully and completely to God. I often go through phases where I realize that I need to alter things and commit myself even more fully to God. We are here to bring glory to God and I have realized that this is an incredible and humbling honor. Our purpose is to live our lives in a way that brings glory to the One who created us. All of my gifts are from God, none of them come from me, they are to be shared with the world for the glory of God. And slowly I have realized that this is what I need to be working on. My pastor's benediction sums this up nicely, we should live a life so: "May everyone who meets you see the face of Jesus Christ in you and may you see the face of Christ in everyone you meet.Brothers and sisters let God into every crevice of your heart and soul. I promise you will not be disappointed by the transformation that most likely will occur. Give God complete access, it does not work if we have one foot in and one foot out- God requires and deserves our full body, heart and attention.May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all .

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