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Today I had a panic attack--something very crucial did not go smoothly and as a person who is very high strung, a worst case scenario thinker, and an overall worrywart I was in a tizzy. But lately I have been reading in my devotionals and in some outside readings about the relationship we are in with God and that in this relationship it is crucial for us to trust God. So lately I have been repeating  little mantra in my head "I trust you Lord/ I trust you God" When I started to feel myself clam up and become anxious I had to continually repeat my mantra...and when that was not a strong enough antidote I knew it was time to journal and listen to God's responses through my devotionals.Luckily I have had a very hectic past two weeks and have had two weeks worth of devotionals to catch up on. And guess what, every single one of my devotions up until this point have been about looking towards God and TRUSTING God in ALL circumstances. Letting God's peace wrap around us and trusting in God's plans, no matter how things may turn out. Trust is something hard for me to give so freely but it does make things easier to know that God is continuously the same and that God is good. It makes trusting God a lot easier knowing and believing in a kind, forgiving, loving and grace filled God.Well friends, let me tell you something. I have a very special verse in the Bible, one that I hold onto because I fully believe and know that God used this verse to speak to me, to assure me that I was on the right path when I chose Scotland. I am not sure if you have read my post A Divine Protector but that post was in direct response to this verse.Genesis 28:15"Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."And tonight as I went through my devotions God brought this same verse to my attention and I realized that God has got me. That no matter-- what I am in the midst of a beautifully written and intentionally made story--one that God has intricately woven specially for me. In this story no matter what happens or where I go--God will be with me as my Divine Protector. So during this time of stress and haziness I am working on putting my trust in the Lord who will guard me, guide me and be ever present wherever I may go.My hope is that whatever you may be going through, whatever trials that you may be struggling with you put your faith and trust into God. God will always be with you no matter where you may go.May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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