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Letting God In

So around two months ago a plan of mine fell through. Everything was running smoothly, or so I thought, I was too consumed with my thoughts and plans to see that a knob was loose in my plan. And sure enough I was blindsided when everything I had once been so sure of, fell apart. But something happened. I fell but I did not stay down too long, I was upset but I saw a bright light in the distance and as I grieved I saw hope despite the pain. For once the plan that fell apart and the heart that hurt was held up and bound together by Divine Hands and something rare and beautiful happened.In the midst of the hurt, pain and sorrow I recognized a hope, a presence, and a closeness to God I have never felt so strongly. As you may know I began writing thoughts about God on this blog this past fall, and around Christmas time I ran into an incredible woman from scripture who led me into the arms of my Savior. This woman was Mary, the Mother of Jesus; after my class Pauline Epistles, my meeting with Mary and falling in love fully with Jesus my faith took shape in a way I never thought it could. As a dear friend told me, "You are on a Jesus high." I was on fire for God! I have always  had a somewhat strong faith--but something had shifted and I felt things differently. I really think it is when I accepted Jesus fully into my heart as my Lord, Savior, and Friend that my faith became so clear and powerful.After this initial "Jesus High," I came back down but could still feel the tugs in my heart and soul. But a couple of months ago when my plans crumbled apart and I was crying, I felt the call of God, I felt the call of Hope and the call of Love in my heart. And that is when I knew--I was okay, I was safe, I was in God's hands. WOW. Ever since then I have been on a "Jesus High" almost straight for two months. I have felt the Holy Spirit fill my heart and my soul; I have felt God sewing up my heart with needle and thread;I have felt God's hands cupping me--sheltering and protecting me; I have felt myself being healed. Brothers and Sisters I cannot describe how beautiful it feels to realize that the Divine Healer has worked on me, seeking out all the little hurts, bruises, and cuts and has kissed them and put Jesus band-aids on them.It took that carefully crafted plan falling apart for me to realize that even if things do not go according to plan, it will always be okay. God's plan is always so much better than anything we have come up with ourselves. But after my plan fell through I have clung tightly to God--and I am seeing life in an entirely new perspective. Joy fills my soul to the brim and I feel as if I could shout from the mountain tops. I find myself constantly wanting to talk about God, I have become one of those people, but when your heart is so full you just want to share the joy! Though we will suffer in our lives God is truly merciful and is there to kiss and heal all of our wounds. Through our strifes we should turn to God, for in those moments of suffering if we allow our Healer to enter into our hearts we will be healed and stronger for it.Proverbs 3:5-6"Trust the Lord with all of your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."When we learn to trust God and God's plans for us, no matter where they may take us, we will find joy. For one thing we can always count on is that God is fully good and will bring everything together for good. It may take longer than we think and it may end up a whole lot differently than we expected but it will be better than our wildest dreams.So my sisters and my brothers, trust God, let God into your life completely, allow God to fill every nook and cranny of your heart--and I promise you will feel unmatched joy. Joy you will want to shout from the mountain tops. Go forward, allow yourself to be God's servant in this world, spread the joy and love that you receive and remain close to the one who knows you and your wounds fully.Matthew 5:8"Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God."May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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