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Food for the Soul

Well I am done!! I have taken the big step and graduated from college! I cannot believe it, I am done with my undergrad and in just a few short months I will be off to Scotland for my Masters. I can hardly believe it--but for now I have a few months to prepare. So for the summer I have written a Bucket List of the things that I want to do to prepare my heart and soul for my upcoming adventure.This summer I want to focus on my relationship with God and developing it more fully. This bucket list is intended to help me feed my soul and focus on the things that are going to bring joy into my heart and bring me closer in my relationship with God.1) I have decided to start working out again--and this time remain committed to it. I want to work out and start trying to be a bit more healthy. Working out relieves my stress and makes me feel much happier. In the words of one of my all time favorite characters Elle Woods "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't" (Legally Blonde). Tomorrow I am going to try out a Christian based workout center. I am really excited that I can not only strengthen my body but while I do that I am able to strengthen my relationship with God.2) I want to eat really delicious food. I love food and I love to break bread with my good friends. My version of a perfect evening is eating delicious food, maybe having a good glass of wine or margarita, and having wonderful and intelligent conversation with good friends. This summer I plan on doing just that.3) Read. Anyone who knows me knows that I love to read. I like to read frivolous books but I also love to read serious books that strike a chord in my heart and make me think. I have a fantastic list of books lined up for this summer, books that will challenge my faith and make me think about how to more fully answer the call of God in my life.4) Volunteer. I have this incredible capacity to love and I want to share that love with others. I want to spend some of my extra time this summer giving back and I know that in doing so my heart will be healed. I am not sure of where I would like to volunteer but if anyone has any suggestions I am completely open!5) I have mentioned in some of my posts before that I journal and do devotionals somewhat regularly. I want to try to make this a more regular habit. I want to develop a constant communication with God to develop and nurture our relationship.6) Last summer, after I returned from France, I started going to church every Sunday with my grandfather. This is now one of my favorite things to do. He comes and picks me up, we go to church and sit in the same pew every Sunday. I love spending this time together. So this summer I want to continue this tradition.7) I want to spend time with my family and show them how much I love them and appreciate them.8) Be kind, generous, and loving.9) Seek out joy. I want to be positive and a joyful human.10) Trust God. I want to work on relinquishing my control and trusting God and God's plans for me.11) Cut down time on my phone. I want to cut that toxic tie that this society has with our phones. I want to take time away from my phone and live and communicate in the real world. I am sick of being so addicted to my phone. I have already cut the tie, somewhat, with certain social media sites--I don't spend all my time scrolling through looking at the image of perfection others broadcast. Instead I can spend those hours on other things, more productive things.All of these things on this list will feed my soul. I want to be joyful and have a full summer which will lead to a full life. These are all habits that I hope will stay with me.I hope that you will start thinking about what you want to feed your soul. The summer is the perfect time to begin, we are all a bit more relaxed and can focus on the things that will bring us joy. I hope that you do the things that will fill your heart with joy and feed your soul.May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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