The versatile girl

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Thank You

My dear friends it is with a joyful, thankful, appreciative, and humble heart that I write tonight. Thank you for reading this blog. I have been overwhelmed by the feedback that I have received. And truthfully I can tell you I have been incredibly humbled. Each one of your beautiful comments has touched my heart and resonated deep within it. Just as Mary "treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart" (Luke 2:19) I have done the same. I have been blown away by the feedback that I have received and am overjoyed to know that these words have touched many of your hearts. To be able to glorify God is the most humbling and beautiful task.As a woman who, for too long, did not think she was of any value it is truly a gift from God that I have finally recognized my worth and to whom I belong. My prayer for each and everyone of you is that you will recognize whose you are and will recognize that you are so incredibly special to Royalty. God has chosen each and everyone one of you to be the King of King's hands and feet in this world. We as humans are nothing without God--God has called each and everyone of us by name, we are all chosen.This post is going to be short tonight. For I am at a loss for words except thank you. Thank you for following me on this journey. It is truly a blessing that God has allowed me to be a vessel in this world. I am humbled that you all read this. I mean this in the most genuine way possible--all the glory is for God. I would be incapable of writing these posts if it were not for God writing the words on my heart.We are all special, we have all been called by name, we have all been granted unique gifts, and we are all chosen by God to be vessels in this world. Please please please remember and trust that you are so special to God. That you have a special purpose in this world.Isaiah 43:1"But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and he who formed you, O Israel: 'Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are mine."Thank you friends for allowing me to be a part of your lives. I cannot express how much you have touched my heart.May the peace and love of Jesus Christ be with you all.

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