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Psalm 34:18The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit.I want to begin this post by saying that this topic has come from a lot of different places, personal experiences, the experiences of others, and from many different circumstances. I feel that we can all relate in some way to one another through brokenheartedness. I think that we all have had our hearts broken in some way at some time; whether it is by a significant other in relationship terms, good friends hurting you, death, betrayal or disappointment we all know what it feels like for our hearts to hurt.  Why do hearts break? And why am I going to challenge you to think of this as a beautiful thing?All of our scars, scratches, cracks, and bruises are beautiful. These imperfections help shape us into the people we are today, they transform us into who we are meant to be. My heart is not unscathed and I am thankful for that. If it was then it would mean I had not experienced love, joy, and beauty;it would mean I had not lived. If my heart was unscathed that would mean that for the 21 years I have been on this earth I had shut myself away, put my heart in a glass case and kept myself protected out of fear. This is not a way to live! No one really wants to be shut away from others, God created us to be relational creatures. Part of being relational is the reality that we will love one another but that sometimes we do hurt one another.I am a passionate person. I have too many emotions. I joke that God accidentally on purpose poured the whole bottle of the "Emotion Spice" into the soup of Margaret. I live in a level ten world. So when I love--I love hard and with all of my heart. Which also means that I feel hurt on a very heavy and deep level. I have often been afraid to allow myself to be vulnerable, but I have been working on putting my heart on the line and taking the risk. I have so much love that I want to give and the only way I can give that love it to become vulnerable. The only way I can give love, defend love, and receive love is if I take the chance--I might get hurt but I have to trust that it will be worth it.Love is what we all want in this world. We want to give it and we want so badly to receive it. The only way we can do that is by accepting that pain can and will probably happen at some point. But pain will subside, and that fresh scar will help develop your heart. And it will develop your heart in a way that will allow for you to love more and to love deeper--if you are willing to see it as a beautiful strength versus a horrific weakness.2 Corinthians 12:9-11"...but he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.' So, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong."Jesus set this world upside down, weaknesses are actually strengths. God uses our hardships and heartaches to bring about good. In our weakest moments God will transform us and give us the strength that we need.I have had my heart broken many times and I am not just taking about in romantic relationships. My heart has been broken and hurt by different people, events, deaths, and disappointments. But those scrapes and scars have become beautiful evidence of all the love that I have given and received. These scars are a part of me, a part of my history, and something I am proud of. I have been hurt but I refuse to let pain harden my heart.It is courageous to allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Do not be afraid. The heart you carry--full of scars and cracks is a beautiful masterpiece. Someone thinks it is exquisite; God wants your heart in whatever condition you may bring it. If you are hurting the Healer wants to help facilitate your healing. God will patch up your heart and sew the pieces together and transform your broken heart into a masterpiece. I cannot and will not promise that this process will be easy or pain free but I can promise that it will worth it. And you just might get some really cool Jesus bandaids put on your heart.Matthew 5:4"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."Friends, whatever state your heart is in, know that God wants your whole heart, even if it is in pieces. Bring it to the Healer and trust that he will transform your broken heart into something truly magnificent.Love my friends. Please just love.May the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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