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A Christmas Miracle

The world we live in today is a dark and unsure place. We often want to give up hope and we become caught up in focusing on all the bad in the world, rather than the good. So I think we could all use some wonderful news; we should all hope for a better and brighter world and give thanks for the miracles we do hear about.Last week I received a text message from a friend asking for prayers for her one year old cousin. I was told that this friend's cousin was on his way to St. Jude Children's Hospital. If you do not know, St. Jude is a very special place; a place that works every day to try and achieve miracles and find the cures to childhood cancer. St. Jude is the saint of lost causes or hopelessness, this hospital was built as a shrine in honor of this this saint. The founder, Danny Thomas, was down to his last dollar and prayed to St. Jude for help, and promised that he would one day build a shrine in his honor. Danny Thomas went on to have a successful career and later founded St. Jude. St. Jude Children's Hospital offers free medical care to all patients and strives to make the child and family feel as comfortable as possible during such a difficult time. Because no child should die in the dawn of life.Now that you know some background on the hospital you can judge just how serious of a situation this little boy was in. Two tumors were discovered on this child's kidneys; one 11 centimeters long and the other 6 centimeters long, all the tests done diagnosed these tumors as stage five cancer. There was severe risk in removing the tumors because there was fear that the cancer would spread. But when they went in today and removed the first tumor, they discovered it was actually benign!! God is so wonderful! This was truly a Christmas miracle! They are going in and removing the larger tumor, and I ask you to please pray for this little boy and his family. I pray that the surgery goes well and he will be healthy and home soon.We can all use wonderful news like this! Miracles happen everyday. God was truly so good and words cannot describe how happy I am to hear of this discovery and for the doctors and nurses at St. Jude and hospitals everywhere. There is so much to hope for and remember "For nothing will be impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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