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Life is too Short

So this past weekend was fantastic! I was fortunate enough to spend time with one of my best friends. Sometimes you just really need to spend time with that person you are allowed to just be totally lazy, weird, and yourself with. We spent the entire weekend together; we walked the bridge, saw two dolphins, giggled, had wonderful and meaningful conversation, watched Hallmark movies and ate--now I mean ATE some delicious food! Having this sort of friendship is very rare, and I am not sure what I did to deserve such a loving, supportive, and caring friend. But I count my blessings for this young woman and for the many other beautiful, loving, and supportive friends I have in my life.Today I got my grades back after one of the toughest semesters I have ever had at PC; not just academically but also emotionally, someone I knew very well died at the very beginning of the semester. This semester has been one challenging feat after another and I have had some tough lessons to learn. But I did very well academically and very well emotionally--if I do say so myself! I think one accomplishment I am so proud of is one that is not academic at all, but one that is personal and emotional. You all know that I am a worrier, stresser, and high anxiety control freak; and you also know that I have been working on that. Well this semester it took a sort of "intervention" between two people I highly respect, love, and trust for me to realize how far down a bad road I had gone. I was forgetting how to live and what really mattered. My priorities were school, stress, and trying to control. Not loving, giving, and caring about God, my friends, and family. My life cannot be all about work--there is so much more to it than that. Slowly but surely I tried to reprioritize putting what really mattered first. And suddenly my life has gotten so much better. And when I checked those academic grades today online, I also checked the grade I had made in "life" and I would guess maybe I was at a B-. But a B- in letting go and letting God is a heck of a lot better than that F I did have!I cannot do this life alone, God has blessed me with a support system that is beyond incredible. I am so blessed to have people who love me so much and who are there to remind me what really matters.And I have realized that life is too short to sit here and worry about my future, what other people think of me, and all those things I cannot control. It really is a beautiful life--there are bumps in the road but I am just going to enjoy the ride! My hope is that you will all do the same!May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you All.

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