The versatile girl

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I am home! I have one pending assignment left and that is it-I will be done with my first semester of senior year! I have to admit I was a bit sad on the drive home today, realizing that this will be the last Christmas drive I will make from Presbyterian College to Charleston as a student. It caused me a little heart twinge-but not for too long. I know there are exciting things ahead for me and we will just have to wait and see how everything falls into place, rather than being scary I am starting to see this as exciting!One of the most joyous moments is coming home and having your house decorated! The smell of the Christmas tree,all the twinkling lights, and the special ornaments-nothing can beat that feeling! I have to say my heart lately has been overcome with joy, a joy I do not think I have ever known! I am finally learning to let things go, because even if things are not 100% perfect in every aspect of my life, I am still capable of feeling indescribable joy. The other night I experienced a heart full of warmth, grace, passion, joy, love, peace, and happiness in a way I have never felt before. I had just had a heart to heart (when I was suppose to be studying) with a dear friend, who has just recently been placed back in my life, and I left that conversation feeling God's presence in my heart. I have not felt God's presence like that for a long time, my heart was so full. Not just from this wonderful conversation with a wonderful friend but from recognizing my worth as a human being, and from the love and kindness my sweet boyfriend and other close friends and family have shown me.My heart is so full in a way I have never known, with a peace that is sure, steadfast, and strong. This joy, love, and peace is something I can only accredit to God. God has placed so many wonderful people in my life, who have shown me love, acceptance, and support. I am thankful for these loving friendships, I am thankful for a warm and loving family, I am thankful for a peaceful heart, and I am so very thankful for a loving God who has blessed me with this all.May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with You All.

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