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Divine Protector

If you have not already realized I am a worrier I am admitting it to you all now. I am not just a worrier I am an extreme worrier, so much that I cannot relax, I feel wrong if I have nothing to do- I live in a constant state of stress and anxiety. Miserable? Yeah, sometimes it really is. But I have written a few posts recently where I have been working on squashing that worry and trusting in God. And this post is about another worry that I have squashed.I have been consumed with fear, anxiety, panic, and worry about my future. I know that it is in God's hands and I am doing my best to have plans laid out and in order, but even then I was consumed with anxiety. Now I have learned to realize when something causes me a severe amount of stress and anxiety this is not good. There is a difference between stressing to get school work or work done and stressing about a particular event or if this is the right path for your future. I have been praying consistently for God to help lead me to the right path for me, asking for guidance and help to follow God's plan. And whenever I looked at a certain thing I would eventually become anxious, but then suddenly over Thanksgiving, I looked at something that  just sort of fell upon me. And though I am not quite ready to announce what that something is to all my readers, I am ready to share with how I feel.I feel at peace. A peace I have not known in a long time. A peace that can only come from God. I felt like I did when I chose not to do honors research, but on a bigger and fuller scale. This tentative plan of action feels right, and I am amazed at how instantly this worrisome and panicked heart became calm. For once I feel like I am moving in the right direction and the plans I have in place may fall through-but I know what I want to do and where I want to go. But even better I know that wherever I go God will always be with me and when I seek out God I find God's peace.Then as I was catching up on my devotionals today's scripture spoke to my heart in a way that only God can. It was a passage from Genesis 28 where Jacob has left his home and is resting in an area and he has a dream. When he wakes he exclaims "Surely the Lord is in this place-and I did not know it!" (Verse 16) Before this though, in his dream God tells him, "Know that I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until have done what I have promised you." (Verse 15) This verse hit me right in my heart but even more so the footnote explaining it, "God's assurance adds a key dimension to the story: at Jacob's most vulnerable moment, fleeing from home to a foreign land, he gains a divine protector and discovers his destiny" (Harper Collins Study Bible [footnotes]). Wow. With the plans that I have in store, this was an incredible reassurance. But it can be applied to all cases, God is with us no matter where we go and what we do. We do not need to fear because we all have our divine protector with us on every step of our journey.May the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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