The versatile girl

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With the Thanksgiving weekend coming to a close I figured I needed to write a post about what I am thankful for. I have been so blessed and I often forget to thank God for these blessings. My devotionals for the past week have been all about being thankful and coming to God in thanksgiving.I am so incredibly thankful for my family. We are a bit crazy and get on each others nerves but I would be lost without these wonderful people. My family is incredible, they are so supportive of me and my dreams. When I have any problems they are there to help try and solve it. I am so thankful to have been raised in such a loving environment.I am thankful for the wonderful friends who have been brought into my life. Having friends who are trustworthy and supportive is rare and I have been so fortunate to have been blessed abundantly with these gems.I am thankful for all the experiences I have had-both good and bad. If I had not had the experiences that I have then I would not be the woman I am today. With all my experiences, especially the bad, I have grown in my faith and learned of the one who I can truly rely on always. This lesson is a true blessing that I am incredibly thankful I learned.I am also thankful for my readers, though there may not be many, I am so fortunate for all of you who read this. It makes me so happy to get texts and snapchats from readers saying that they have been inspired or how they relate to my posts! I want to thank you all for reading, it means so much to me!

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