The versatile girl

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Wow! What an amazing fall break! This fall break was one of the best I have ever had-I did nothing. After constantly studying, stressing, and working I was able to relax and do nothing. Imagine that, for once in my life I ate, slept, and relaxed, and if anyone knows me they know that I do not relax. I am a stressed out person by nature and to be able to relax for once was an incredibly rare and wonderful gift. I was so fortunate to spend my weekend with my two best friends. Women who are kind and giving and so supportive. These women are both incredible blessings in my life and I thank God everyday for them. They remind me to have fun, let me be silly and stupid, build me up, and support me. It is rare to find such wonderful people in your life, and I am so thankful that I did! I spent the break eating, drinking, resting, and giggling. What could be better than that?

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