The versatile girl

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What to Say?

So this week I have been struggling with what I want to say, I have opened up a blank new post sheet at least three times-but haven't found the words I want to say. There is so much going on in the world around me: I see people grieving for lost ones, people struggling with a sick family member, and people who do not feel valuable and are lost. Maybe I am just growing up and the veil of innocence is now being ripped away, but all I seem to hear is sad news. The beginning of this school year was very rough, a very dear family lost someone in their family link. After this tragic news it seemed that I continually only heard bad news. Often I have wondered why bad things happen, especially to good people. But as I look at this family I am overcome with how strong their faith is, it completely blows my mind. Though they have been hit hard they continue to live their lives full of faith in God. I have learned, from them and my own experiences, that it is best to turn towards God and God's guidance during hardships, without God I wouldn't make it through.1 Corinthians 10:13 is a good reminder that God is with us at all times and no matter how hard things are God will bring us through it.No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.Despite the unfairness of the situation, God will be faithful to this family, and to all who believe and trust in the Lord. This passage is a beautiful reminder that the God does not ever give us more than we can handle, and will be with us through every test and trial. God is constantly faithful to us, just as we should be faithful to God.

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