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Smart Sigma

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset photo 2 (5)Today I wore my power outfit, I just bought this fabulous leather dress at Teal Boutique this weekend and knew for Tuesday's Chapter I had to wear it. I paired it with my sassy sparkly flats and was ready to roll. Though I was disappointed that I didn't win Best Dressed- I did win Smart Sigma of the Week! And to be honest this little award made my night! I live in the library, from Sunday to Thursday if you can't find me chances are I am in the library. I have a full plate now this semester, with high hopes of going abroad to conduct research after I graduate then applying to grad schools, I am working hard to succeed. And just the simple award for a good grade I made this week, really made me happy. I hope to one day work in higher education, I am a huge nerd and absolutely love to learn. Today I felt on top of the world, and I highly believe that when you dress for success you will be successful. I am a firm believer that it is okay to be studious and stylish.XOXO,Margaret  

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