The versatile girl

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Food for Thought

I know I haven't ever really posted, but lately I have really been really thinking it might be a good thing to start blogging. But what I want to do with this blog is not just make it about fashion (though clothes are my favorite) but about meaningful things. Sometimes I just need to write out my feelings, and you may very well not care and can choose not to read- but I think it will help me and could possibly help you! So my first "meaningful" post is about bad days.Sometimes we have really crappy days, someone was mean to you and then shoot your whole day has gone down the toilet. It happens to us all, we are just really feeling life and feeling great then that person has to go and pop your balloon. Maybe they had a bad day and just took it out on you, but whatever the circumstance it still sucked. But want to know the best thing about bad days? They are over when you go to bed! You wake up and bam a brand new day- one that you get the chance to make great! And another thing about bad days...the people who really care will try and turn that day around before you go to sleep! It is a truly wonderful feeling when someone shows that they care and really make an effort to help you blow back up your balloon. It is those people you need in your life-to help turn your day around. Sometimes we just need to be reminded that we are loved and that we have it pretty great. So don't let one bad day make you think you have a bad life!XOXO,Margaret

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