Welcome to the versatile Girl’s new home

I began The Versatile Girl when I was a junior in college. It started as one of those very trendy fashion blogs on a free website. It eventually transformed into something else, something I could not quite imagine, and it revealed a call to writing I am so grateful I found. It all began when I took fingers to keyboard and emotionally processed through writing on my website and then boldly shared it. I was surprised to find that the words resonated with people. From that moment forward, The Versatile Girl, became, well, versatile in her content.

Most of the writings you will find here are spiritual in nature—as I live in the world as a woman of faith in God and now as I live in the world as an ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church USA. A lot has changed since the early days of The Versatile Girl—including an update which was my own attempt at creating a website five years ago. That 2016 website, up until a few days ago, was the proud home of this website, harboring sacred parts of my story.

And now, I am so excited to introduce you all to The Versatile Girl’s new home. My wonderful “blogger” husband, Will, worked hard (and watched a whole lot of YouTube videos) to learn how to transfer and build a new website. Frankly, I could not be prouder—both of Will and the beautiful home he created for something that is so dear to me.

Welcome to The (Grown-Up) Versatile Girl space. She is still very new and I am sure that Will and I have missed a few things here and there so, if you catch some glitches or buttons that don’t seem to work—please reach out and let us know!

I hope that you will settle into this new space—all the oldies but goodies are still here, archived, along with some new and exciting things beginning to grow. Currently, I am writing for the liturgical (the church year) season of Advent. These writings can be found in my “Advent Writings” section and I hope you will join with me as we lean into living fully into the present moment and learn how to wait with hope.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. Thank you for following along, sharing supportive messages and simply loving me so well.

Come on in, stay awhile, tea and diet coke are as abundant as the love.

Grace and Peace,

The (Grown-Up) Versatile Girl—AKA Margaret


To the Unexpected visitor


Follow the Peace