To Do Lists

I am sitting on the porch, watching the sun grow dimmer and dipping lower and lower in the sky, birds are chirping, and a pleasant breeze is rustling the palm trees below me and blowing wisps of my hair into my face. I am exhausted. Last week was brutally busy, days packed from early morning till late afternoon, requiring me to stay up far later than I normally would to complete assignments I just do not have the energy and brain power to do. Living during a pandemic is not easy, certainly not when the to do list remains packed with items.
I didn't run at all last week and I am trying to allow myself to believe that it is okay. I self-cared in other ways, however, I have begun to feel the impact of not running or doing some form of physical exercise regularly. This semester, as I have documented my self-care journey, I have realized just how central moving my body regularly is for my mental health, self-love, spiritual well-being, and physical health. On the days I do not feel like putting feet to the ground, sweating, and huffing and puffing I remind myself that once my feet hit the ground I will feel better and if not then, I certainly will once I am finished. As Elle Woods says in Legally Blonde, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. And happy people just don't kill their husbands--they just don't." An excellent quote! And Elle is right, endorphins do make you happy.

While I didn't run last week, Will and I did take our recently purchased kayaks out onto the water. He even caught a little flounder--we had to release him back because he was too small for us to take home for dinner! being outside, watching the birds, catching fish, paddling around, getting some vitamin D from the sunshine--it connects me to my createdness.

Today, I went for a run and as I was running I began making a self-care to do list. Not a to-do list that I will mark off things once I have done them or make me feel guilty when/if I don't do them. This list is more of a reminder to slow down, to enjoy life, to care for myself, and make sure I am getting what I need to be my best and most whole self.

When I made it back from my run, I sat down and wrote my list out. As you can see, it is my list of "Important Mermaid Stuff To Do." I scratched out "stop" because that puts a lot of pressure on me--so instead, I am going to monitor my scroll time. I also added, "Watch more sunsets" on to my list! Hoping this list will remind me to take care of myself this week!
I hope this coming week is a good one for each and everyone of you! Make a self care to-do list or reminder list. Be gentle with yourself and in case you have forgotten, you matter.
Grace, Peace, Blessings, and Love,