Embracing the Joy
This past week’s advent theme has been joy and today we will light the advent wreath with the fourth candle, the candle of love. Earlier this week, I wrote about the holy hard, about how it can be so difficult to live in the reality of the harshness of this world. Yet, with God I have discovered the hard becomes holy because we do not face, experience or live through the hard alone.
The Divine gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love are never experienced on their own—hope, peace, joy, and love are intertwined with one another, strengthening and building off one another to sustain us on this journey. How incredibly powerful.
In the light of the four candles of hope, peace, joy, and love I share a list of some things that bring me joy. The common connecting thread I have found seems to be love and how love binds this whole life all together.
A few of the many things that bring me joy:
People trusting me enough to share their story and to invite me in
Spending time with friends I love and having authentic conversations that nourish my heart and mind
A new tea mug
The perfect cup of tea at just the right sipping temperature
Sitting outside on my porch journaling
Sliding into a fluffy cloud like bed
Spending time with family
Baking the loveliest loaf of bread then sharing it
Hearing that my words have touched someone
The sheer look of joy on Olive’s face when she knows we are going to play ball
The Olive snuggles that follow from playing lots of ball
The way Olive’s little body leans against my chest as she sits in my lap when we drive in the car
Breaking bread with friends I love
Reading holy words written by others
Moments that remind me I’m not alone
Long, deep, theological conversations with my best friend
Decorating my Christmas tree with my mom
Holding Will’s hand after a long day
Realizing just how in tune Will and I are
Eating dinner with Will
Being outside
Hearing birds singing
Hearing the hawk that lives outside our apartment cry as he circles round and round
The scent of mint tea
When someone makes me a cup of tea just how I like it in my favorite mug
Remembering tea time after church at my church in Scotland
Remembering the power of Holy Communion each time I take it and when I get to preside at the table
Writing letters and mailing them out (including fun stamps makes it extra special)
Receiving letters from good friends and people I love
Some of these things might seem a bit silly or frivolous but all those things related to tea, they remind me of people I love and the countless cups of tea I had with them that brought us closer together. Many friendships and life giving relationships have been forged over steaming cups of tea. I also drink tea during my quiet time with God and so each morning I like to think of myself as having tea with God.
These things that bring me joy are so much about connection with others, myself and the created world around. This list reflects love and reminds me that I am so incredibly blessed to have people who allow me the space to to be myself and that I can extend this invitation to others too. It also tells me that things do not have to be extravagant to be joyful and full of love.
May you find hope, peace, joy, and love throughout this week as we prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord. May you find moments of authentic, loving, joyful, hopeful, and peaceful connection with loved ones and perhaps even strangers. May these Divine gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love strengthen us as we continue on this beautifully difficult through life. May they sustain us as we live in the holy hard.
Peace and many joyful blessings,